Artist Robyn "Honey" Tour
Artist Robyn "Honey" Tour
Rehearsal with Robyn for pieces in Honey tour
Musicvideo shoot Delnia Razzazi
Musicvideo shoot Delnia Razzazi
Choreographing & movement coaching. Director: Måns Nyman
Lindex shoot
Lindex shoot
Choreographer för Lindex ss 20 commercial. Producer: Naive Productions
Lindex shoot
Lindex shoot
Choreographer för Lindex ss 20 commercial. Producer: Naive Productions
Ongoing realities
Ongoing realities
Choreographer for interactive VR meets dance piece
NYX Cosmetics release
NYX Cosmetics release
Choreographer for danceperformance at releaseparty for NYX collection "Love Lust, disco"
NYX Cosmetics releaseparty
NYX Cosmetics releaseparty
Choreographer for danceperformance at releaseparty for NYX collection "Love Lust, disco"
Lindex team
Lindex team
Delnia Razzazi musicvideo
Delnia Razzazi musicvideo
Creative runway video
Creative runway video
Choreographer for creative video for Iconic House of Ninja - Swedish chapter


Mälarmaran - scouting future fish

Performance piece by Ongoing Realities (OR) at Kulturfestivalen 2024. Climate project Turning The Tide in collaboration with Intercult.

𝐄𝗍 αᥣ𝗂a.(𐓣s) performance

Choreographic piece 𝐄𝗍 αᥣ𝗂a.(𐓣𝗌) • Anna Näsström
Performance • Shirley Harthey Ubilla and Anna Näsström

[e s c] by Ongoing Realities(OR)

[e s c] is a modular work with 5 pieces, that explores patterns of escapism where components from different time periods, digital animations and four dancers transform the stage space into an enigmatic place where past, present and future meet. [e s c] takes as a point of departure in the need for pause and imagination but also how technology and algorithms transform or change our escapist tendencies.

Ongoing Realities creates multi-sensory experiences that explore dance and choreography in the context of digital technology and innovation, drawing inspiration from exhibition formats

you can make me hole again 

Performance by Beck Heiberg and Anna Näsström

Does wholeness only come from the hole being full? We are asking why there is a need to feel complete? Can hole and whole co-exist without erasing the other and can we rest in that?

[e s c] by Ongoing Realities (OR)

[e s c] is a modular work with 5 pieces, that explores patterns of escapism where components from different time periods, digital animations and four dancers transform the stage space into an enigmatic place where past, present and future meet. [e s c] takes as a point of departure in the need for pause and imagination but also how technology and algorithms transform or change our escapist tendencies.

Ongoing Realities creates multi-sensory experiences that explore dance and choreography in the context of digital technology and innovation, drawing inspiration from exhibition formats

LINDEX commercial Spring collection

Choreographer for Lindex ss 20 collection, sustainable fashion. With dancers Felicia Rivera, Nassim Meki, Emma Öberg, Tyra Wigg. Naive Production, director Andreas Öhman, Producent Rima Kassar

Agnes at Pride 2023

Choreographer for Agnes at her long awaited comeback live in Sweden. Choreographer for 24 hours and Love and appreciation.


Choreographer and movementcoach for artist Agnes and opening Grammisperformance of "Here comes the night" 2022.

Agnes - "Fingers crossed" musicvideo

Part choreographer and movementcoach for Agnes 

Directed by: SWIM CLUB, Director of photography: SWIM CLUB Producer: Andrea Gyllenskiöld

NYX "Love, lust, disco" release

Choreographer for NYX "Love, lust, disco" performance with the Iconic House of Ninja Sweden. Producer Hoss Agency.