
BA 065

𝐁𝐀 𝟎𝟔𝟓 is a historic journey and tribute to the "rallare" who spent their lives on and by the railway tracks, built them and maintained them. The work is dedicated to those who, due to unsafe working conditions, lost their lives in a train accident in 1935 outside Moskosel, Umesamian Måskuossuvvane, a place in Arvidsjaur municipality in Norrbotten. The accident happened while transporting train rails, and was a tragedy that sparked trade union political discussions. A history that we can see is reflected in different similar ways even today, where human values ​​and profit are pitted against each other.

𝐁𝐀 𝟎𝟔𝟓 explores the position of the worker, masculinity and the value of a life in a capitalist world. The piece is an immersive video experience developed for iM Konsthall with a dance art film that contains both video and historical photographs that have been transformed into video with the help of AI. The trailer shows parts of the dance art film. Music by Yared Tilahun Cederlund.

Developed with the support of Northern's Sustainable Futures which in turn is supported by the Cultural Council.

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